
Jumpers Knee – – Patella Tendinopathy Rehab!

Now that spring is here we hope that you are gearing up for outdoor workouts in a safe manner. We want all of you to protect yourselves against a growing problem: orthopedic injuries from doing too much too soon! Today, we are talking about patellar tendinopathy, commonly known as Jumper’s Knee. This often affects active individuals, especially those who perform explosive movements like jumping or running or activities involving repetitive bending of the knee.

Is your body ready for the Capacity of Exercise this Spring?

The weather is getting warm, and we’re not sure about you, but we’re all dreaming of the beach here at Fit Club! The dark, cold winter can really throw someone off of their fitness resolutions. With the weather warming up, people tend to get back on track and work on their beach bodies and overall fitness levels. Similar to those New Year resolutions, we often get clients who come in with complaints of pain around this time. Keep reading to find out why!